Can you increase your productivity by using multiple monitors? I’m pretty sure you can.

I’ve been using 2 monitors simultaneously for a while now: the one from the laptop and an external screen. Two screens allow you to easily compare documents, or look at an excel sheet while writing a powerpoint presentation, or easily copy/pasting between two documents. Or having your mail program and instant messenger open in one screen al all times if you’re a communication addict like me.

So does this really increase productivity? According to Microsoft, it does: their research has shown that using 2 monitors can increase your productivity by 9 to 50 percent! Impressive, isn’t it?

If you want to find out more about what Microsoft is doing in this area, check out their VIBE site (VIBE stands for Visualization and Interaction for Business and Entertainment) or read this article from the NY Times online.

So … what does your workspace look like?