Getting Things Done, a reminder
I read the book, I’m using the software, and it really keeps my inbox clean and myself organised. What am I talking about? “Getting Things Done”, the system of David Allen, which offers a system to get organised and get the clutter out of your head, into what he calls your ‘trusted system’.
Getting Thing Done, commonly referred to as “GTD” has built a loyal following over the last months (years). Go check these out on the net:
But whatever you do, Just start by reading the book first.
For avid Outlook users (like myself), there’s also an outlook plugin to use the GTD method.
David Allen also wrote another book, called “Ready For Anything (52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life)“. One interesting thing in the beginning of that book is his ‘challenge’:
SOMETHING IS COMING—probably within a few days—that’s going to change your world. You don’t see it yet. You don’t know what it’s about. But it’s there, rolling inexorably forward, destined to throw you a curve that you do not expect. It could show up sooner or later—but it will show up. Trust me. Write down these words exactly four weeks from today on your calendar: “David Allen said a month ago that something was coming I couldn’t foresee that would affect me significantly.” Prove me wrong.
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