by Johnny | Apr 15, 2014 | Lifehacks, Thoughts
How bad do you want it? It’s a question you need to ask yourself before taking up anything. How bad do you want to get ahead? How bad do you want that promotion, that job? How bad do you want to get (back) in shape? Are you willing to do what it takes?
Honestly, most of us settle for mediocrity. We want it… but not really that bad as too put in all the work required to get there. Looking for easy solutions, shortcuts, quick fixes. There are none really. Think about it:
by Johnny | Jan 16, 2012 | Lifehacks, Management, Technology
You are what you tweet. How to work on your personal brand online, throught Fast Company. Using social networking to build your professional brand. I’m not sure if I’d follow the advice to “find five new people to follow or connect with every day”. That’s 1825 people a year, or 18250 over 10 years… that’s a lot of people to interact with…
“Personal Brain” from The Brain company. Read good things about it. Trying it out, not seeing the benefits of it (yet).
by Johnny | Apr 7, 2011 | Lifehacks, Management, Thoughts
We may think we multitask, but in reality we switch-task, and it’s not doing us any good, according to an article at HBR.
- The author of the article stopped multitasking, and discovered six things:
- First, it was delightful.
- Second, he made significant progress on challenging projects.
- Third, his stress dropped dramatically.
- Fourth, he lost all patience for things he felt were not a good use of his time.
- Fifth, he had tremendous patience for things he felt were useful and enjoyable.
- Sixth, there was no downside.
Frustrated office work at his desk — Image by © Blue Jean Images/Corbis
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