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Hack the planet

Something I had to share: Wired has come up with a list of 10 rather "special" ways that people are working on to save our planet.Taking Lifehacks to the max.

Flashback: The Double Life

For years, I've lived a double life.In the day, I do my job - I ride the bus, roll up my sleeves with the hoi-polloi.But at night, I live a life of exhilaration, of missed heartbeats and adrenalin.And, if the truth be known, a life of dubious virtue.I won't deny it -...

The Abilene paradox

The previous post on the Asoh defense led me to another real gem, the Abilene paradox. Where I work, they have something called "disagree and commit". It's a good principle if it works, and when there is ample time to discuss, as this post explains. It tends to get a...

The Asoh Defense

The Asoh Defense is real simple:If at first you don't succeed ... just admit it. "Yup, my fault, I f***ed up."Not something you ever really here in the corporate world, do you?Click here for the story behind the Asoh defense.The part where they link it to the...

Dumb moves on facebook

Imagine telling your boss you're off for a family emergency.Imagine going to a halloween party instead.Imagine posting a picture of you at the party on facebook.Imagine your boss also being on can imagine the result here.

Was the Matrix wrong?

Troed made an interesting comment yesterday: statistically there is a high probability that we are all avatars. Welcome to our self-chosen Matrix... Read all about the debate on the simulation argument websiteThe site is a debate about the possibility that we may be...