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Brighten your day

Over at Zen Habits is a post of 75 things that brighten your day. Some of my favourites:1. Listening to good music in the car.2. Taking a long, relaxing shower.3. A good novel.3. Walking on the beach.4. Being lazy on a Sunday.5. Getting a massage.6. Taking a hot...

What is on the bookshelf today

Thanks to iBert, I came across Shelfari, a virtual bookshelf where you can share with the world what you're reading, and at the same time see who else is reading the same books and what they think of it. Here's my bookshelf.

BiB (i.e. Back in Business)

OK, so I neglected the blog a little bit... OK, so I neglected the blog a whole lot lately, committing virtual suicide on the blogosphere.but now I'm back, with a new job and all. I'm now part of the new and exciting world of venture capital in my new role of...

WikiYou WikiMe

"a collaborative biography of every person on earth."WikiYou .. coming soon?

Time to meet … Ram Shriram

I'm at the Intel Capital CEO summit this week. One of the interesting speakers there is Ram Shriram from Sherpalo. He is a founding board member of Google, for one, and made some interesting remarks while on stage.Rather than type them all out here, just follow this...