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Digital everywhere… but in the end, it’s still marketing.

Digital everywhere… but in the end, it’s still marketing.

“It's not about doing ‘Digital marketing’. It's about marketing effectively in a digital world” - Diageo’s CEO Ivan Menezes. This post about Digital transformation on marketoonist really resonated with me. With the coming of the internet and online marketing came a...

Weaving storytelling into your marketing

Everybody loves a good story, whether it’s in a book, a movie, or told by a great speaker. No wonder then that stories are an excellent way for companies to get their message across. Story-what? So what is storytelling? Wikipedia tells us that storytelling is “the...

HBDYWI… How bad do you want it?

HBDYWI… How bad do you want it?

How bad do you want it? It’s a question you need to ask yourself before taking up anything. How bad do you want to get ahead? How bad do you want that promotion, that job? How bad do you want to get (back) in shape? Are you willing to do what it takes? Honestly, most...

Personal brand and personal brain

You are what you tweet. How to work on your personal brand online, throught Fast Company. Using social networking to build your professional brand. I’m not sure if I’d follow the advice to “find five new people to follow or connect with every day”. That’s 1825 people...

One more argument against multitasking

We may think we multitask, but in reality we switch-task, and it's not doing us any good, according to an article at HBR.   The author of the article stopped multitasking, and discovered six things: First, it was delightful. Second, he made significant progress...